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Visualizzazione dei post da dicembre, 2010

Security Incidents of This Week (weekly)

SQL Injection Blamed for New Breach The online breach, which led hackers to cardholder information for 110,000 credit cards, was facilitated via SQL injection -- one of the most frequent modes of attack hackers use to illegally acquire payment-card details. tags: SecurityIncident Banking Hackers deface Yayasan 1 Malaysia website tags: SecurityIncident Defacement The Econet broadband website has been hacked tags: SecurityIncident Defacement Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here .

Security Incidents of This Week (weekly)

Romanian police cuff 40+ over €millions telecom blag tags: SecurityIncident Phones European banks see new ATM skimming attacks - Computerworld Banks in Europe are seeing innovative skimming attacks against ATMs, where fraudsters rig special devices to the cash machines to record payment card details. tags: SecurityIncident Banking Bancomat Ad networks owned by Google, Microsoft serve malware tags: SecurityIncident Malware World Record : 404907 websites hacked by Iskorpitx (Turkish Hacker) ! tags: ...

Security Incidents of This Week (weekly)

Wikileaks: hacker colpiscono Visa e MasterCard | tags: SecurityIncident Banking DoS Dutch police website attacked after arrest of suspected hacker tags: SecurityIncident DoS MasterCard, Visa, Paypal and 4chan – The furor of Wikileaks unleashed | Naked Security tags: SecurityIncident DoS Banking AP website hacked from Pak | Deccan Chronicle tags: SecurityIncident Defacement Over 200 Indian webs...

Come usare un Google Account come OpenID (utile anche per Zotero)

Google è un OpenID provider. E' cioè in grado di autenticare utenti su richiesta di altri servizi. L'utente può quindi autenticarsi su un servizio S fornendo le proprie credenziali a Google e non a S. Ovviamente S deve essere predisposto per delegare l'autenticazione a terzi con il protocollo OpenID. L'identificatore da fornire a S è questo: Apparirà una schermata che dice "sono una demo application, non sono l'endpoint ufficiale di Google" (non c'è da preoccuparsi; è solo una applicazione che fa da bridge tra S e Google, in quanto Google offre---per quanto ne so---solo una interfaccia programmatica per OpenID). Questa applicazione invita ad autenticarsi su Google. Una volta che l'utente si è autenticato, è automaticamente rediretto su S. Piccola complicazione: adesso S deve capire quale dei propri account locali deve essere collegato all'utente . Per r...

Security Incidents of This Week (weekly)

Hackers use malware to break into Lady Gaga’s computer tags: SecurityIncident Vulnerable Malware Hackers poison well of open-source FTP app Hackers breached the main server hosting ProFTPD and remained undetected for three days, causing anyone who downloaded the popular open-source file transfer application during that time to be infected with a backdoor that grants unauthorized access to their systems. tags: SecurityIncident Vulnerable Hacking Malware Cuffed Oz bank Trojan perp aiming to bleach his hat A South Australian hacker who admits using banking Trojan malware to infect more than 2,300 computers and steal personal information wants ...