Hackers poison well of open-source FTP app
Hackers breached the main server hosting ProFTPD and remained undetected for three days, causing anyone who downloaded the popular open-source file transfer application during that time to be infected with a backdoor that grants unauthorized access to their systems.
Cuffed Oz bank Trojan perp aiming to bleach his hat
A South Australian hacker who admits using banking Trojan malware to infect more than 2,300 computers and steal personal information wants to go from poacher to gamekeeper once his legal problems are behind him.
Ransomware Trojan is back and badder than ever
A new variant of the GpCode ransomware encrypts user files on infected Windows PCs using theAES 256 and RSA 1024 encryption algorithms. The malware only encrypts the start of media or Office files, but that's enough to make any data recovery process difficult if not impossible.
Large US hosting provider hit in web attack
When innocent users browse these sites, the injected JavaScript adds an iframe element to the page in order to load further malicious content from a remote site.
Windows Vista & Windows 7 Kernel Bug Can Bypass UAC
Once again a serious zero-day has hit Windows, this time an unpatched vulnerability in the Kernel.
Sunbelt Blog: Navy Memorial site compromised
Unfortunately it seems that the official site of the US Navy Memorial was recently compromised, with the addition of a particularly wordy message for the admins hidden away in a subdirectory, rather than the more obvious target of the frontpage which was left untouched:
Hours before a major pro-life Catholic group was to hold a vigil against the reproductive health (RH) bill, a website of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) was defaced Saturday morning.
Il ritaglio di giornale qui sotto ricorda uno degli eventi più non-trovo-un-aggettivo-appropriato del mio periodo di studente di Ingegneria a Pisa. Ricordo che una mattina iniziò a spargersi la voce "hanno murato la porta del dipartimento!". Andammo subito a vedere ed arrivammo un pò prima dei giornalisti che scattarono questa foto. La porta era murata, intonacata, pitturata di bianco e sovrastata da una scritta "INGEGNERIA DEVE ESSERE DIFFICILE". Le "E" di "INGEGNERIA" erano scritte al contrario perché era una sorta di "marchio di fabbrica" della facoltà di Ingegneria di Pisa. L'aula più grande, quella in cui pressoché tutti gli studenti seguivano i corsi dei primi anni, aveva infatti alcuni bellissimi "affreschi scherzosi" che furono fatti nel corso delle proteste studentesche di qualche anno prima ed in cui la parola "Ingegneria" era appuntoi scritta in quel modo. Si era anche già sparsa la voce di cosa era ...