Un articolo leggero ma ben fatto:
In 1998, a hacker told Congress that he could bring down the Internet in 30 minutes by exploiting a certain flaw that sometimes caused online outages by misdirecting data. In 2003, the Bush administration concluded that fixing this flaw was in the nation's "vital interest." Molto interessante perché la faccenda è una conseguenza diretta di alcuni aspetti fondamentali di Internet: routing dinamico, sistema aperto, assenza di autorità centrale unica, assenza di meccanismi di autenticazione.
Just how fragile is the internet?
In 1998, a hacker told Congress that he could bring down the Internet in 30 minutes by exploiting a certain flaw that sometimes caused online outages by misdirecting data. In 2003, the Bush administration concluded that fixing this flaw was in the nation's "vital interest."
Fast forward to 2010, and very little has happened to improve the situation. The flaw still causes outages every year.
Just how fragile is the internet?