Anonymous Plans To Hack And Deface More Government Web Sites - Forbes
Fixes for two Windows flaws coming from Microsoft
Administrators will not see patches for two, publicly known vulnerabilities – one in Internet Explorer (IE), announced in late December, and the second in the Windows Graphics Rendering Engine, disclosed earlier this week.
Sierra Madre gas station credit-card fraud victims climb to 282
Detectives have identified 282 victims of credit-card fraud at a Sierra Madre gas station and are turning their attention to a man who allegedly used a clone card at a Montebello bank.
With losses now topping $82,000, the investigation may extend to a second gas station in the city, and Sierra Madre Mayor Joe Mosca said the U.S. Secret Service is joining the probe. -
Microsoft Warns of Image Problem
Microsoft today warned Windows users about a previously unknown security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install malware simply by getting users to view a malicious image in a Web browser or document.
Pedofilia on line, centinaia di denunce La polizia postale "ripulisce" mille siti - Repubblica.it
Trojan horse helped assassins track Hamas victim | Naked Security
Researcher breaks security sandbox in Adobe Flash • The Register
BBC News - Anonymous activists target Tunisian government sites
Key websites of the Tunisian government have been taken offline by a group that recently attacked sites and services perceived to be anti-Wikileaks.
Sites belonging to the Ministry of Industry and the Tunisian Stock Exchange were amongst seven targeted by the Anonymous group since Monday. -
TOPHOST HACKED: Nuovo attacco al “famoso” provider low cost.
In a rather unusual incident, a hacker managed to deface the website of the Kenyan police and dedicated the attack to Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Kenyapolice.go.ke normally contains information about and provided by Kenya's primary national law enforcement body.
However, earlier today visitors of the site were greeted by a blank page reading "Got in and all i could think about was zuckerberg!!! This’ for you Mark!" -
Tunisian gov’t website defaced in ‘Anonymous’ attack on Internet censorship
The website of the Tunisian government was defaced Tuesday with an open letter critical of the nation’s censorship of the web by those participating in “Anonymous.”
‘White House’ eCard Dupes Dot-Gov Geeks — Krebs on Security
A malware-laced e-mail that spoofed seasons greetings from The White House siphoned gigabytes of sensitive documents from dozens of victims over the holidays, including a number of government employees and contractors who work on cybersecurity matters.
Tunisian gov’t website defaced in ‘Anonymous’ attack on Internet censorship | Raw Story
Indian sites hacked most in '10
According to Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), the defacement of websites with India specific domain `.in' tripled in 2010.
Around 8,864 websites with domain name `.in' were defaced in 2010 (January to November period) as compared to around 3,000 in the same period in 2009, CERT-In claims. In 2007, just 1,693 websites with `.in' domain were defaced. -
Hackers defaced the home page of the official website of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (kpcc.org.in) on Sunday.
Il ritaglio di giornale qui sotto ricorda uno degli eventi più non-trovo-un-aggettivo-appropriato del mio periodo di studente di Ingegneria a Pisa. Ricordo che una mattina iniziò a spargersi la voce "hanno murato la porta del dipartimento!". Andammo subito a vedere ed arrivammo un pò prima dei giornalisti che scattarono questa foto. La porta era murata, intonacata, pitturata di bianco e sovrastata da una scritta "INGEGNERIA DEVE ESSERE DIFFICILE". Le "E" di "INGEGNERIA" erano scritte al contrario perché era una sorta di "marchio di fabbrica" della facoltà di Ingegneria di Pisa. L'aula più grande, quella in cui pressoché tutti gli studenti seguivano i corsi dei primi anni, aveva infatti alcuni bellissimi "affreschi scherzosi" che furono fatti nel corso delle proteste studentesche di qualche anno prima ed in cui la parola "Ingegneria" era appuntoi scritta in quel modo. Si era anche già sparsa la voce di cosa era ...