V for Vendetta Hacker Strikes at Washington State University
An anonymous hacker wearing a Guy Fawkes mask took over classroom projection screens at Washington State University last Friday, the fifth of November, to broadcast a prerecorded message
Hackers Hijack 1 Million China Cell Phones ses
More than 1 million cell phone users in China has been infected with a virus that automatically sends text messages, and the attack is costing users a combined 2 million yuan ($300,000 U.S.) per day.
Local Christian group's website hacked, defaced
Visitors to the NarroWay Productions website on Saturday found an anti-Christian message.
Android bugs let attackers install malware without warning
Researchers have disclosed bugs in Google's Android mobile operating system that allow attackers to surreptitiously install malware on users' handsets.
The most serious of the two flaws was poignantly demonstrated on Wednesday in a proof-of-concept app that was available in the Google-sanctioned Market. Disguised as an expansion for the popular game Angry Birds, it silently installs three additional apps that without warning have access to a phone's contacts, location information and SMS functionality and can transmit their data to a remote server. -
Nasty IE 0day exploit hosted on Amnesty International site
Visitors to Amnesty International's Hong Kong website are being bombarded with a host of lethal exploits, including one that attacks an unpatched vulnerability in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, researchers at security firm Websense said.
The injected IE attack code resides directly on the pages of amnesty.org.hk, an indication that the perpetrators were able to penetrate deep into the website's security defenses. The code exploits a vulnerability disclosed last week that gives attackers complete control over machines running default versions of IE 6 and 7. Version 8 isn't vulnerable, thanks to security protections built into the browser. -
Report: Banking Apps for Android, iPhone Expose Sensitive Info | Threat Level | Wired.com
A number of wireless banking applications for iPhone and Android phone users contain privacy and security flaws that cause the phones to store sensitive information in cleartext that could be gleaned by hackers, according to a report.
Hacker forces Royal Navy to suspend website
A hacker claims to have broken into the main website run by the British Royal Navy, www.royalnavy.mod.uk, revealing usernames and passwords of administrators.
The hacker, who calls himself TinKode and is believed to hail from Romania, posted information on the web about the compromise and the sensitive passwords he was able to uncover.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.