BEDIA Website Defaced By Hacker
The website of Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority (BEDIA) has been defaced by a hacker. The hacker changed the homepage and some sections of the website, removing information concerning upcoming events and latest news usually displayed for investors.
Windows 0day allows malicious code execution
Antimalware provider Prevx has sounded the alarm about a serious vulnerability in fully patched versions of Microsoft Windows. It allows attackers to execute malware, even in versions designed to withstand such exploits.
OpenSSL updated to kill code-execution bug
The OpenSSL server has been updated to fix a security bug that could be remotely exploited to potentially install malware on vulnerable systems.
'Scary stuff': Cyberattack arrest highlights risk
How did a hacker in Malaysia manage to penetrate a computer network operated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland?
And what was the same accused cybercriminal doing this summer when he allegedly tapped into the secure computers of a large Defense Department contractor that managed systems for military transport movements and other U.S. military operations?
Those are among the puzzling questions raised by allegations against Lin Mun Poo, a 32-year-old Malaysia native whose case illustrates the mounting national secrets threats posed by overseas cyberattacks, U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials tell NBC News. -
Kroxxu botnet targets one million users
A new botnet has been detected which could have potentially affected over a million web users in the last 12 months.
The Kroxxu botnet currently has its grip on around 100,000 web domains and has been spreading password-stealing malware whilst covering its tracks extremely effectively, avast! Virus Lab found. -
Network card rootkit offers extra stealth
Security researchers have demonstrated how it might be possible to place backdoor rootkit software on a network card.
Taiwanese Hackers Deface Asian Taekwondo Union Website - Softpedia
Internet, traffico Usa dirottato in Cina per diciotto minuti
L'8 aprile 2010, per diciotto minuti, una quota del 15 per cento dell’imponente traffico internet mondiale, e in particolare statunitense (incluse comunicazioni da e per i siti dell’Esercito, della Marina, del corpo dei Marines, dell’Aeronautica, dell’ufficio del Segretario della Difesa, del Senato e della Nasa), potrebbe essere stato registrato e decriptato dalla Cina
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.