Feds commandeer botnet, issue 'stop' command •
For the first time ever, the US government has attempted to take down a botnet by setting up a substitute control channel that temporarily disables the underlying malware running on hundreds of thousands of infected end user computers.
The move, announced Wednesday after federal prosecutors seized domain names, IP addresses and servers operated by the operators, is intended to cut the head off a notorious botnet known as Coreflood, which has infected more than 2 million Windows machines since 2002. During and 11-month period starting in March 2009, Coreflood siphoned some 190 GB worth of banking passwords and other sensitive data from more than 413,000 infected users as they browsed the net, authorities said. -
Privacy and Security Fanatic: Security Researchers Exploit Logic Flaws to Shop for Free Online
security researchers discovered how to exploit security holes in a software development kit from Amazon Payments so that anyone with a computer and about $25 can be a "qualified attacker." If a person exploited logic flaws, then that malicious shopper could purchase at "an arbitrarily-set price, shop for free after paying for one item, or even avoid payment."
Security researcher warns over Dropbox authentication security flaw
Attackers able to get their hands on a Dropbox configuration file would be able to access and download any files a user synchronises through the service without betraying any signs of compromise, a security researcher has discovered.
New Adobe Flash zero day in the wild – infects through MS Word documents
Hack attack spills web security firm's confidential data
The website of web application security provider Barracuda Networks has sustained an attack that appears to have exposed sensitive data concerning the company's partners and employee login credentials, according to an anonymous post.
Il ritaglio di giornale qui sotto ricorda uno degli eventi più non-trovo-un-aggettivo-appropriato del mio periodo di studente di Ingegneria a Pisa. Ricordo che una mattina iniziò a spargersi la voce "hanno murato la porta del dipartimento!". Andammo subito a vedere ed arrivammo un pò prima dei giornalisti che scattarono questa foto. La porta era murata, intonacata, pitturata di bianco e sovrastata da una scritta "INGEGNERIA DEVE ESSERE DIFFICILE". Le "E" di "INGEGNERIA" erano scritte al contrario perché era una sorta di "marchio di fabbrica" della facoltà di Ingegneria di Pisa. L'aula più grande, quella in cui pressoché tutti gli studenti seguivano i corsi dei primi anni, aveva infatti alcuni bellissimi "affreschi scherzosi" che furono fatti nel corso delle proteste studentesche di qualche anno prima ed in cui la parola "Ingegneria" era appuntoi scritta in quel modo. Si era anche già sparsa la voce di cosa era ...