Hackers strike Arizona police sites again
A group of hackers defaced several Fraternal Order of Police websites across Arizona on Thursday evening, posting the user names, passwords and other information of hundreds of officers.
WWF site attacked again; hacker leaves 'tips'
Two days after a hacker defaced its site, the World Wildlife Fund Philippine chapter suffered another attack Friday, with the hacker leaving behind tips to improve its security.
As of 4:21 a.m. Friday, the tips - in text format - were still posted on the homepage of the WWF Philippine chapter's homepage. -
Amy Winehouse’s website hacked and defaced
A hacking group calling itself SwagSec has broken into the official website of singer Amy Winehouse and defaced it by posting an expletive-filled message and an image of the rapper Lil' B.
Syrian Electronic Army Defaces 41 Web sites, One UK Government Web site
The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has claimed responsibility for defacing 41 websites, 23 of which have the top level domain name .uk.
'Indestructible' rootkit enslaves 4.5m PCs in 3 months • The Register
One of the world's stealthiest pieces of malware infected more than 4.5 million PCs in just three months, making it possible for its authors to force keyloggers, adware, and other malicious programs on the compromised machines at any time.
Hacker defaces WWF Philippines site
Hackers attacked the website of the World Wildlife Fund's Philippine chapter early Wednesday, replacing the home page with a YouTube video.
Visitors to the WWF Philippines site saw a video and a message that suggested a connection with an attack on the Bureau of Customs website. -
Citigroup hackers made $2.7 million
The hackers didn't get into Citi's main credit card processing system, but were reportedly able to obtain the numbers, along with the customers' names and contact information, by logging into the Citi Account Online website and guessing account numbers.
Until now, it wasn't clear how much -- if any -- fraud had occurred as a result of the theft. But Citi confirmed Friday that there were losses of $2.7 million from about 3,400 accounts. -
Utkal University website 'hacked' - Times Of India
The home page of the website was defaced, where the words - hacked by Jerusium - were found written in big letters.
PBS website hacked for 2nd time, some data taken
PBS says its website has been hacked for at least the second time in a month -- the latest in a string of intrusions into such sites as Sony, Lockheed Martin, Nintendo and others.
Syrian Electronic Army: Disruptive Attacks and Hyped Targets
Il ritaglio di giornale qui sotto ricorda uno degli eventi più non-trovo-un-aggettivo-appropriato del mio periodo di studente di Ingegneria a Pisa. Ricordo che una mattina iniziò a spargersi la voce "hanno murato la porta del dipartimento!". Andammo subito a vedere ed arrivammo un pò prima dei giornalisti che scattarono questa foto. La porta era murata, intonacata, pitturata di bianco e sovrastata da una scritta "INGEGNERIA DEVE ESSERE DIFFICILE". Le "E" di "INGEGNERIA" erano scritte al contrario perché era una sorta di "marchio di fabbrica" della facoltà di Ingegneria di Pisa. L'aula più grande, quella in cui pressoché tutti gli studenti seguivano i corsi dei primi anni, aveva infatti alcuni bellissimi "affreschi scherzosi" che furono fatti nel corso delle proteste studentesche di qualche anno prima ed in cui la parola "Ingegneria" era appuntoi scritta in quel modo. Si era anche già sparsa la voce di cosa era ...