PayPal UK Twitter Account Hacked
witter accounts seem to be the latest victim of hackers with the PayPal UK Twitter account being seized. A day after it was reported that the Twitter account of Fox News Politics was hacked, cyber criminals have now defaced the Twitter account of eBay’s PayPal UK account. According to a report, hackers had seized the account and began tweeting messages to its 17,000 followers.
Obama's web site gets defaced with fake anti-government events
Hacked: India's National Security Guard site
Hackers penetrated the Web site of India's anti-terror unit, National Security Guard (NSG), last week which resulted in e-mail accounts of some officers being compromised, according to local reports.
RedHack deface 1000 sites for Turkey #AntiSec ~ THN : The Hacker News
RedHack Hackers Group deface more than 1000 websites today. The complete list of hacked sites are here . The hack is done in support of Anonymous and Operation Antisec. The hackers also release a press Release as below with Reason of this hack.
As a part of Anonymous Operation Anti-Security and to mourn the anniversary of the Sivas Katliamı, the RedHack hacker Group has claimed responsibility for a slew of hacks defacing 1000 websites.
The hacks targeted hundreds of websites owned both by the Turkish Government and prominent Islamic Creationist Adnan Oktar -- also known as Harun Yahya. -
Fox News tweets hacked to show Obama death stories
A Twitter account maintained by Fox News has been hacked to post fake "Obama assassinated" stories.
The @foxnewspolitics account was seized to post a succession of bogus updates (example below) on the false story that Obama was shot and killed while supposedly campaigning at a Ross' restaurant in Iowa.
Il ritaglio di giornale qui sotto ricorda uno degli eventi più non-trovo-un-aggettivo-appropriato del mio periodo di studente di Ingegneria a Pisa. Ricordo che una mattina iniziò a spargersi la voce "hanno murato la porta del dipartimento!". Andammo subito a vedere ed arrivammo un pò prima dei giornalisti che scattarono questa foto. La porta era murata, intonacata, pitturata di bianco e sovrastata da una scritta "INGEGNERIA DEVE ESSERE DIFFICILE". Le "E" di "INGEGNERIA" erano scritte al contrario perché era una sorta di "marchio di fabbrica" della facoltà di Ingegneria di Pisa. L'aula più grande, quella in cui pressoché tutti gli studenti seguivano i corsi dei primi anni, aveva infatti alcuni bellissimi "affreschi scherzosi" che furono fatti nel corso delle proteste studentesche di qualche anno prima ed in cui la parola "Ingegneria" era appuntoi scritta in quel modo. Si era anche già sparsa la voce di cosa era ...